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  • 北极惊现自然奇观:白色彩虹你见过吗(图)

  • 时间:2011-12-14 新闻来源: 沪江英语
  • 北极惊现自然奇观


      Rare white rainbow lights up the North Pole罕见白色彩虹耀现北极This is the amazing moment a white rainbow streaks across the Arctic sky.


      The rare phenomena, named a fog bow, was spotted by Sam Dobson during a recent expedition to the North Pole.


      As their ice breaking ship cruised through the chilly waters, Sam clocked the arching rainbow but was stunned to see it was completely white.


      A fog bow is a similar phenomenon to a rainbow, but it appears as an arch in fog rather than rain. And because of the very small size of water droplets that cause fog, smaller than 0.05 millimetres, it appears as a white arc, rather than a multi-coloured one.


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