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  • 爆笑自拍:伦敦小孩模仿全世界24种英语口音

  • 时间:2011-12-30 新闻来源: 沪江英语
  •   这个伦敦男孩在视频里一口气模仿了24种不同国家地区的英语口音……其实这是不是和讲相声的可以模仿全国各地不同方言一样呢?于是请大家淡定,咱中国的方言加起来肯定比英语的口音要多得多!


      I actually promised my friends that I would make this video quite a while ago, but I have not got around to it. But now I finally got around to it, so here it is.

      In this video I'm just gonna be attempting to do a variety of accents from around the world. I'll start off the accents from my own country which has lots of different accents. I'm from Britain, in case you didn't notice I'm from the UK. ...it's just random chat in the accent..a few references here and there to...There are lots of different British accents I can do. Then I'll move on to accents from upper countries. The way I'm gonna structure this video is for each accent, I'm gonna pretend I'm on the phone and I'm gonna chat a random staff. When I say "random" I mean 100% random. It is completely, you know, a rubbish. Don't pay attention to what I say, don't take it seriously, it's just random chat, the accent. I may have made a few references here to the individual accent, but it's mostly random. That's how I'm gonna structure it. So let's begin.

      random chat哈,果然很random,因为在后面的模仿中出现了多处four-lettered word。虽然在视频的最后这孩子解释说是因为自己也想不出什么别的话好说,但是……爆粗口还是不好的。各位童鞋请勿盲目模仿。

      视频中出现了标准的英式口音和general American accent,想模仿的同学可以参照,就无视其他乱七八糟的口音吧。令人惊奇的是这孩子在模仿美音时那一口销魂的卷舌音啊……另外,小编被他模仿法国人口音那一段囧到了……他说的是:

      Bonjour. Oh sorry sorry, yes I do speak English, so you want me to pass this message onto him now? Non? OK I will notify him that you are trying to contact him. OK, thanks very much.(非权威听写版,有待指正)正如西班牙口音和意大利口音里会将所有的r发成大舌音一样,法国人会将r发成小舌音,开头那俩“sohi sohi”的音,其实就是sorry,sorry,后面的very中r的发音也是如此。

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